Case 1

Before: He came in with many issues and wanted a full mouth rehabilitation.
After: Big difference!

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Before: Since he came in with good bone and good gum tissue, he was a perfect candidate for an upper fixed implant bridge. We also made crowns on his natural teeth and four existing lower implants.
After: 8 months from beginning to end. No pink! Looks great!

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Case 2

Before: He came in with a poorly made, unesthetic upper bridge, some problematic back teeth.
After: Temporary bridge, while implants heal.

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Before: Lips-retracted view. Here, you can see how food could easily get trapped under his bridge and between his back teeth from the spaces.
After: He decided on an upper full arch implant fixed bridge and a single lower molar implant and crown, and to bleach his lower teeth. The long teeth on his left side are where existing implants were used in this current reconstruction.

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Case 3

Before: This patient had severe wear, enamel erosion and many of the top teeth were in extremely poor condition. We removed all the upper teeth, placed implants and a full arch implant bridge.
After: Because the gums and bone were intact when we began treatment, we were able to make a full upper fixed implant bridge with no pink at all, with teeth that were more appropriately sized for her anatomy.

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Case 4

Before: This patient had a 3-unit front tooth bridge that broke off at the gum line and rendered the supporting roots non-restorable. There was also considerable decay under the other upper bridge, so it was just a matter of time until the same thing happened on the other side.
After: This patient opted to go ahead and do the full upper arch restoration while she still had good bone and gum tissues to allow her to have a prosthesis without any pink on it.

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Before: You can see in this picture how the upper bridge broke off at the gum level.
After: A beautiful result.

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Case 5

Before: You may not be able to tell in this picture, but this gentleman is wearing an upper complete denture. He wanted teeth that he didn’t have to take in and out every day.
After: We got lucky with his case. He wanted no pink if possible. Even though he had worn a denture previously, we were able to make him a full upper arch implant bridge that didn’t have to have pink. The way to do that in this case was to make the teeth a little bit longer and the result was one he was thrilled with.

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Before: You can see how the denture goes all the way up to the top of the inside of his vestibule.
After: A very nice result with his own natural gums.

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Case 6

Before: This patient had a bad bite, several missing and broken teeth, old crowns with decay underneath, and some teeth with decay as well. He wanted to fix his whole mouth.
After: A stunning result.

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Before: In this photo, you can see the extent of the problems throughout his mouth.
After: We were able to make him an implant bridge without any fake pink gums for the upper arch but had to add some pink on the lower. With attention to detail in the fabrication of the bridge, keeping the underneath of it convex, he can keep this clean without any trouble.

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Case 7

Before: This patient is missing several back teeth, and had old crowns in different areas of her mouth that were all different colors.
After: Gorgeous!

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Before: Notice in this photo how the upper gums and bone are in good shape, but the lower arch has had much bone and soft tissue loss. Because of this, we can only make her upper with no pink. We have no choice but to have pink on the lower final prosthesis because of the extensive bone loss on the bottom jaw.
After: Nobody would ever suspect that these are not her real teeth. Note that the lowers had to have a significant amount of pink on them because of the extensive bone loss.

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Case 8

Before: Only six front teeth remain visible when she smiles.
After: (Final uppers only at this stage)

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Before: The lower front teeth were worn and thinning. Because she had almost all her lower teeth when she came in, we attempted to make her lower implant bridge with no pink, just like the upper.
After: Success! Both upper and lower implant bridges have no pink on them.

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Case 9

Before: An old bridge with recurrent decay underneath.
After: We made her new bridge with teeth with more shape and character. A more natural-looking result.

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Before: You can’t see the problem (decay under the bridge) in a photo, but examination and x-rays revealed that this bridge was failing and had quite deep decay underneath. She wanted to do the full upper arch while she still had good bone and gum tissues.
After: A nicely fitting implant bridge. We made the incisal edges a little more translucent, for a more natural look.

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Case 10

Before: This patient is a severe grinder. As you can see here, he had worn his teeth down to very short, flat nubs.
After: Much better! What a smile!

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Before: Notice how flat his teeth got over time with his severe grinding habit? Also notice how it causes the gums to recede around the root areas from the stresses of clenching and grinding?
After: UPPER, no pink/LOWER, with pink.

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Case 11

Before: This patient presented with 9 remaining upper teeth and the full arch restored on those 9 teeth with 3 fixed bridges. The bridges in the back had begun to fail.
After: Very nice result. She decided to go with a shade slightly darker than her old super-white crowns for a more natural-looking result.

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Before: She had two back bridges, which both failed. (A) Too few teeth were supporting the bridges and (B) the ones that were used to support the bridges were overprepared by the previous dentist (cutting them down too much, making them too short), caused the failure of the back bridges.
After: Beautiful full upper implant bridges (3) with no pink.

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Case 12

Before: Missing, cracked decayed and failing teeth.
After: Much better!

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Before: This photo shows the problems more clearly.
After: A nice full upper implant bridge with no pink tissue.

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Case 13

Before: Old, poorly made crowns and bridges, of all different colors. Many of them fit poorly and had recurrent decay underneath as a result.
After: A more uniform smile.

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Before: Note that when she came in, the top 4 front teeth and the lower 6 front teeth were the only teeth that matched in color.
After: No pink, and much better positioning of the upper teeth improved chewing ability as well.

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Case 14

Before: He had rampant decay throughout and was missing some teeth.
After: Wow! A great improvement!

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Before: Even though his teeth were in really bad condition, he still had most of them, and the bone and gums around them were still in good enough condition for a fixed implant bridge without any pink.
After: His new teeth are gorgeous!

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Case 15

Before: Here, we see crooked, yellow, and some missing teeth.
After: A Hollywood smile.

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Before: Her mouth was a wreck. We thought when we started her treatment that we would be able to make her upper prosthesis without pink, but not the lower. There, the bone level is too erratic and too narrow. Before the lower teeth were removed, we anticipated quite a bit of resorption here, meaning we would need pink material, to keep the size and shape of the teeth natural-looking.
After: UPPER: full arch implant bridge with no pink, and LOWER: full arch implant bridge with pink.

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Case 16

Before: An absolute mess.
After: A beautiful result.

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Before: You name the problem, he had it.
After: An amazing smile makeover.

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Case 17

Before: This patient had decaying, chipped, cracked teeth and several with severe erosion. She wanted to restore her full mouth permanently with implants, so she wouldn’t have issues with decay or enamel erosion in the future.
After: UPPER: implant bridge with no pink, and LOWER: one with pink.

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Case 18

Before: This patient wanted to restore her upper arch with an implant bridge.
After: Another beautiful result. No pink zirconia was necessary.

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Case 19

Before: This patient had several missing teeth, gum recession and decay on several teeth.
After: Gorgeous!

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Before: When we started treatment, we weren’t sure if we would be able to make the lower implant bridge without any pink on it or not. Luckily, her bone and gum tissue were significant enough to allow us to do this.
After: A truly beautiful result.

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Case 20

Before: This patient wanted to permanently restore his smile. He decided to start with the top teeth first.
After: We were able to make him a very nice full arch upper implant bridge without any pink material. We also replaced a missing lower right molar with a dental implant and restored it and the molar next it with crowns.

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Case 21

Before: You can easily see the extreme wear on all this patient’s teeth. This is a result of a lifelong habit of grinding his teeth. He’s worn them down to almost nothing.
After: We were able to return his smile to one with teeth of an appropriate size, and to return his proper bite.

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Before: We knew going into this case that it was very unlikely we’d be able to make a lower implant bridge without any pink but were hopeful about being able to do that for the upper arch.
After: We were able to have no pink at all on his upper final prosthesis but had to have some pink on the lower. This is common, due to the narrower nature of the lower jawbone, particularly in the front area.

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Case 22

Before: This gentleman was another patient with a severe grinding habit. He’d already been through crowning most of his teeth (to try and protect them) but was wearing those down and cracking them one by one and losing them.
After: His upper implant bridge was able to be made without any pink on it, but, again, we see here, that the lower arch had to have some. The design of the underside is convex, and easily cleansable.

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Case 23

Before: This patient’s smile was very yellow, with white crowns visible on his back teeth, and spaces where he is missing teeth.
After: He wanted a bright-white Hollywood smile, so we gave him one!

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges After
Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before

Before: Here, you can see he had some missing teeth, some broken teeth, and visible decay.
After: Lucky for him, he had really good lower bone and gum tissues, so we were able to make his lower implant bridge without any pink, just like the upper. A beautiful result. (By the way, those bony growths you see on the upper jaw, are called TORI. They’re harmless and typically do not cause any pain or trouble. Many people have them).

Full Arch/Full Mouth Implant Bridges Before